formcycle Features

Appointment management

With online appointment management, you can easily offer your customers online appointments, e.g. to optimally book waiting rooms, fitness studio classrooms or events. The unique selling points that you benefit from include intuitive configuration, customised creation of appointment templates, clear evaluation, export options, the option to send appointment confirmations in iCal format and compliance with European data protection guidelines (GDPR).



You can find an extract about the special features of appointment management here:


Customised design

In addition to a responsive display and customised templates, you can configure your own designs and additional elements for recording booking data.

iCal interface

Using the standard iCal format, appointments can be sent by email confirmation or entire calendars can be imported into existing calendar applications.
(iCloud, Google, Outlook, etc.)


Flexible requirements demand flexible options: Online appointment management offers the use of multiple calendars, as well as configuration options such as closing days, appointment duration, capacities, lead time and maximum pre-bookings.


Don't just book or reserve. The recorded data can also be used to configure customised workflows for document generation, e-mail communication or data forwarding, for example.


All data is securely encrypted from collection to storage. To avoid spam, double opt-in check, CAPTCHA and other modern techniques are available.

Confirmation of appointment

Whether simple confirmation code or QR code. The individual configuration options fulfil the requirements of professional appointment management.


Try formcycle free of charge

The full range of public.CLOUD functions is available. The maximum number of forms sent during the test phase is limited to a maximum of 10 form submissions per day.

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