formcycle Features


Global templates are available in formcycle for a variety of use cases, including i18n, CSS and response pages. These enable centralised changes for a uniform design and functionality.

Sub modules

Types of templates

The 'Files & Templates' module is divided into several sub-modules:


CSS templates

Use standard CSS to create customised design templates that can easily be used for any form.

HTML templates

formcycle manages information pages such as ‘Successfully sent’, ‘Registration successful’ and ‘Appointment confirmed’. By using HTML templates, you can define the design of these pages centrally, regardless of whether you want to customise existing templates or create new ones.

Email templates

Defining the text and design of standard emails to ensure a standardised appearance and to ensure that all legally required information is included.


Centralised provision of files such as fonts, logos, JavaScript files and much more files.

i18n variables

The translated system messages are available here for multilingual forms. German, English, Dutch, Russian, Ukrainian and Italian are available in formcycle as standard.

XSL transformation

Various actions are available in the workflow and inbox that enable form data to be transformed using XSLT.


Try formcycle free of charge

The full range of public.CLOUD functions is available. The maximum number of forms sent during the test phase is limited to a maximum of 10 form submissions per day.

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