process data


The inbox acts as a central control centre for checking data and initiating processes such as approvals, queries or forwarding. It also enables export to Excel or XML.



The formcycle inbox offers the following range of functions (extract):


Search, sort and filter

Get an overview of the forms received in a specific time period. Sort the forms according to defined characteristics or filter by forms with attachments. These are just a few of the options - the formcycle mailbox offers many more functions.

Customised mailbox views

Individual mailbox views refer to personalised settings for the display of processes in an email mailbox. For example, a user can specify which columns should be displayed in the mailbox view and which information should be included. Data that has been requested in the form can be displayed as columns accordingly.

Exporting processes

Sort your processes according to one or more characteristics and export these or all processes directly. You can combine them individually, e.g. select users who have ticked a checkbox, have a specific status, have entered a telephone number and have a specific supervisor.
You determine which data fields are important for your export.

Display of a process history

See at a glance when the form was received, which actions were triggered, when status changes took place and the status of the process. You can download the process log as a PDF file with just one click.

Triggering status/workflow processing

The creator of a form can determine who sees the completed form in their mailbox depending on its status. Accordingly, the responsible processor is provided with a predefined button for further processing, for example. This makes it possible to address the status/workflow processing directly from the inbox, e.g. to forward or approve processes or generate documents. Files and comments can also be added.